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The Rose is known as the fanciest bar in Florence. It has high, vaulted ceilings and incredibly fancy lights. The classical and oldies music is always played low and quiet, only just audible over the hum of quiet conversation. The Rose doesn't serve beer or tequila. It primarily serves wine, vodka, and whiskey. The security guards are very particular and you have to meet a dress code to get in. Mutations are not allowed here.
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Simmer Down is the best Ma&Pa diner in Florence. It's small and quaint, but very dinky and run down. The outside has paint peeling and the windows look like they haven't been washed in years. The booth seat covers and the bar stool covers are ripped and the bar top and table tops are covered in scratches. Anyone is welcome here, as long as you can eat or work.
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The Marina is known for being the most expensive and high end restaurant in Florence, decorated as if it was made to serve royalty, all gold and deep reds. It serves seafood, all fresh and brought in the same morning straight from the coast. As with The Rose, there is a dress code, and you will not be let in if it's not met. Mutations aren't welcome.
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Riverbend is one of the most known bars in town. Known for being cheap and just somewhere to hang out and have a drink, maybe meet some new people if you're up for it. The decor hasn't been changed since the place was built decades ago, most of the seats are screwed up or broken, the tables are wobbly and there always seems to be various stains on the floor, but it's a good place. Many people swear by it. Anyone is welcome, as long as you can pay.
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